
In Thailand, we have a wide selection of tropical plants. Mostly the flowers themseleve have not only the attractive feagrance, but also the beautiful shape. If you are looking for the tropical fragrant flower plants, Thailand is the best choice for you.

Desmos Chinensis-Red

Bared root, Pot plant

Desmos Chinensis-Yellow

Bared root, Pot plant

Fagraea Fragrans

Bared root, Pot plant

Gardenia Angusta - Green Leaf

Bared root, Pot plant

Gardenia Angusta - Variegated Leaf

Bared root, Pot plant

Gardenia Sp. - Yellow

Bared root, Pot plant

Gardenia Taitensis

Bared root, Pot plant

Hiptage benghalensis

Bared root, Pot plant

Jasminum Sambac

Bared root, Pot plant


Bared root, Pot plant

Magnolia Coco

Bared root, Pot plant

Medinella magnifica

Bared root, Pot plant

Michelia Alba - Golden color

Bared root, Pot plant

Michelia Alba - White

Bared root, Pot plant

Michelia Champaca

Bared root, Pot plant

Michelia Figo

Bared root, Pot plant